How much protein do you really need?

It seems like protein is the buzz word these days.  At smoothie shops everywhere they offer you the option of adding “extra scoops of protein,”  meal replacement bars line the shelves loaded with protein, and many quick fix and fad diets prefer protein over carbs.  Many in the fitness world will also be singing the praises of the importance of protein when it comes to getting in shape and bulking up.  By now you’ve probably got the drift, that [...]


No matter why you work out, your success depends on what you do after your workout and before. So the next time you reach for a snack before you start exercising, think about whether it’s really a good idea. Keep reading to find out what you should think about before a workout to get the most out of it. DON’T EAT A LOT RIGHT BEFORE WORKING OUT First of all, a small snack up to a half hour before your workout is [...]

6 Exercise Moves Every Woman Needs to Do

1. Split squat Grab a pair of dumbbells and find a bench or stable surface of a similar height. Stand a few feet in front of the bench and bring your right leg back so your toes rest on the surface of the bench while you remain standing on your left leg. Keep your torso straight and bend your left leg to lower your body straight down. Make sure that your left knee doesn’t bend over your toes. If it does, move [...]

The 7 Must-Have Pieces of Fitness Equipment for Home Workouts

Toning ball A simple all-around fitness tool, A2zCare Toning Ball is a brilliant alternative to dumbbells to improve self -balance, strength and flexibility. We have many choice for you: 2lbs, 4lbs, 5lbs, 6lbs, 8lbs Resistance bands Whether you’re a beginner or an expert, these resistance bands are for you. The variety of resistances and multi clip system means you can adjust the intensity of your resistance-band workouts to suit your personal goals. Weighted jump rope Simple but useful, our Jump Rope is a good [...]

10 Home Exercises You Can Do With Just A Yoga Mat (or towel)

What do you use your yoga mat for? Yoga? An extra seat when your friends are over? Talk about a failure of imagination! If you can’t afford or don’t want to go to the gym, you can do a total workout using only your body and yoga mat (or towel!). In fact, there are at least 10 home exercises or routines you can do at home with just a yoga mat. Recently, with the pandemic of Coronavirus COVID-19, hygiene and [...]