3 Stretches for Strong, Flexible Hamstrings
Target Your Hamstrings
1. Beginner: Strap Stretch
Step 1: Lying on back, raise the right leg and place the center of a yoga strap around the arch of the right foot.
Step 2: Keeping left leg on the floor, slowly extend the right leg toward the ceiling, or as high as you comfortably can. Don’t yank on the strap or allow the left leg to lift off the floor.
Step 3: Hold for 8 breaths; repeat on another side.
2. Intermediate: Standing Stability Ball
Step 1: Extend your left leg and place heel on a stability ball, keeping foot flexed.
Step 2: Bend forward from the waist, reaching both hands toward the left foot.
Step 3: Hold for 8 breaths; repeat on the opposite side.
3. Advanced: Single-Leg Headstand
Step 1: Kneel facing a wall with hands clasped together and forearms on the floor, elbows shoulder-width apart.
Step 2: Place the crown of the head-on floor by hand. Lift knees; carefully walk toes closer to elbows and lift one foot at a time, coming into a headstand with heels supported against a wall.
Step 3: Lower left leg to 90 degrees; switch sides and repeat 4 times on each side without placing feet back on the floor.
Limber up fast with these three moves designed to keep your hamstrings flexible and strong.
Source: Fitness Magazine